Tag Archives: plums

Birth Post

I don’t know why, but the thought of starting my own blog has been intimidating me for months.  I think it has something to do with the overwhelming supply of fabulous blogs that I encounter on any casual stroll through the world wide food web.  I haven’t been able to quite convince myself that I would I could provide something fresh, engaging, and at the same caliber as the blogs that have been tempting me to start my own thread in the web.

The way I got over my intimidation is kind of like how my mom got through her first pregnancy:  “All those other women with kids gave birth and they seem to be doing okay.”  Every blog has a beginning.  Maybe being just another blogger is kind of like being just another mother.  You give the blog life, care for it, and it will grow into a unique little extension of your being.

And I hear blogging is less painful that childbirth.

Well, birth is a good theme for my first post, because we’ve been celebrating a few birthdays around here.  My parents’ birthdays are a week apart, and so we got together with the extended family yesterday to celebrate.  Cake was my assignment (sigh, what a burden).  We had a lot of plums to use up, so I went to foodgawker, typed in “plum cake,” and had my mom chose which one she wanted.  She chose this one, and here is the result:

I was pleased with the smooth mosaic the plums made on top.

And that it looks like a flower because of the leaves painted on the plate 🙂

It made a print on the parchment I lined the pan with.

Katie said I should frame it.  It would be a quite beautiful twist on fly paper 😛

One more thing before I go.  That was some “yum”, but where’s the “run”?  Well, today marks the official beginning of my marathon training.  I signed up for my first marathon just moments ago.  Yeek?  I’ve done a few half marathons, but when 13.1 miles is half of something… I would consider that a long something.

I’m hoping to make this blog a chronicle of my training, as well as the food I create and enjoy along the way.  A record of two of my favorite things: yumming and running.


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